Air Plant Blooms
In the past, we have written articles all about air plant blooms and what to do after the bloom. Today we are going to take a look at the different types of air plant blooms. Blooms can range in color from bright red, to fuchsia, purple, and magenta. Some plants have pure white blooms, while others have delicate pink blooms. Some are even scented.
So let's dive in. There are a few main types of blooms, inflorescences, single stem-like blooms, and plants that have multiple blooms that bloom directly from their center.
An inflorescence is a stiff “stem” that some plants emit during blooming and a group or cluster of flowers bloom from flower bracts that grow from this main stem. In the air plant world, the xerographica, concolor, and fasciculata tropiflora all have pretty impressive long lasting inflorescences. After a plant with an inflorescence blooms, you can either leave it or cut it off to promote pup formation.
Single "Stem" Blooms
Other plants have a single flower that comes from the middle of the plant on a short “stem.” Plants with these kind of blooms are the stricta, houston, aeranthos, capitata, and harrisii.
Multiple Blooms
You might also notice that your air plant has multiple blooms such as those of the Tillandsia ionantha, brachycaulos, and neglecta among others. These plants can have multiple blooms that shoot out from their center and bloom all at once. As you can see, it is a stunning sight to see when they all bloom at once!
As you can see the world of Tillandsia blooms is fascinating. The best part is even when you think you've seen it all, these little guys can surprise you with the most amazing blooms.