Our Favorite Funky Air Plants
While all air plants are unique, there are some that just have a little extra funky something that make them our favorite air plants to decorate with. Today we are going to talk about some of our favorite funky air plants and how we use them in decorating.
The Tillandsia funckiana twists and turns and looks extra funky hence the name "funckiana." These little guys look great nestled in a terrarium, mounted to a piece of cork, or even just placed in a bowl. These little guys also bloom unique tubular bright red flowers.

The fuchsii v gracilis air plant looks like it has a case of bed head and its compact size lends well to use in terrarium design and sitting on a stack of books.

Bulbosa Belize & Bulbosa Guatemala
The bulbosa variety of air plants have tubular leaves that make them look similar to a sea creature. These look amazing in a sea inspired terrarium, in various kinds of holders, or in a bowl with other air plants of varying textures.

The Tillandsia caput medusae has a fun unique shape that is similar to the T. bulbosa in that it is reminiscent to a sea creature. Its size and shape make it perfect for terrariums.

T. streptophylla plants have dramatic curly leaves that make a statement in any room that they are displayed in. Tip: if you want your T. streptophylla to look more curly, water it less, if you want it to be less curly, water it more! This is a larger growing plant that will look amazing on a coffee table.
The Tillandsia butzii, another sea creature-esque air plant, is a fun plant to add to a terrarium or other air plant display due to its spotted base and twisting leaves. Do you have any of these funky plants in your collection? If you do, we'd love to see. Tag us on Instagram @airplantdesignstudio